Rosters Co. F

Captain Alex W. Rowe Captured 5 Apr. 1863 Lebanon, KY. POW, Fort Monroe, Wounded (Paralyzed in both legs and deafened)

1st Lt. John W. Hiett Smith Co.

1st Lt. John Sisson Captured 5 May 1862 Lebanon, TN Exchange 25 Aug. 1862 Vicksburg, MS

1st. Lt. John D. Stalker Captured 20 Jul. 1863 Cheshire, OH POW, Ft. Delaware

2nd Lt. Marcus Samuel Henry Captured 2 Jan. 1863 Columbia, KY. POW, City Point

3rd Lt. Rufus Cornwell Sumner Co. Captured 30 Jul. 1863 Salineville, OH POW, Point Lookout

Acting 3rd Lt. H. H. Williams Captured 28 Dec. 1862

1st Sergent L. Daniel Bryant Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

2nd Sgt. Thomas J. Mann Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas Escaped, 2 Dec. 1863, he & 100 others, dug a tunnel under the prison wall.

3rd Sgt. S. J. Lankford Smith Co.

4th Sgt. Napoleon B. Henley Captured 21 Jun. 186Lebanon, KY POW, Rock Island

1st Cpl. James Benson Sumner Co.

2nd Cpl. David F. Berry Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 25 Jan. 1862 HARTSVILLE POW, Camp Chase

2nd Cpl. William Fonville Wilson Co.

4th Cpl. Robert H. Yeaman Smith Co. Captured 13 Aug. 1863 Smith Co. TN POW, Rock Island

1st Sgt. David Y. Purycar HARTSVILLE Served throughout the war.

3rd Sgt. George C. Ridley Captured 20 Mar. 1863 Elizabethtown, KY POW, City Point

Sgt. James M. Allard Captured 26 Jul. 1863 Salineville, OH POW, Point Lookout

Corporal B. F. Calhoun Smith Co.

Pvt. J. Peter Averitt HARTSVILLCaptured BIO POW, Point lookout

Pvt. B. Frank Ayers Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Dabney Thomas Byrd Sumner Co. Wounded (left arm) Cynthiana, KY

Pvt. James M. Bentley Enlisted 27 Aug. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas

Pvt. Samuel Black Sumner Co. Enlisted 27 Aug. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Thomas J. Black Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at Dixon Springs Captured 6 Dec. 1862 Lebanon, TN Exchanged. Captured 6 Oct. 1863 Shepherdsville, KY POW, Camp Douglas. Died there 13 Sep. 1864 (Chronic Diarrhea)

Pvt. John C. Bledsoe Sumner Co.

Pvt. William Boggs Smith Co.

Pvt. William Booth Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Ephraim F. Bowers Sumner Co Captured 8 Nov. 1862 Gallatin, TN Exchanged

Pvt. John W. Buck Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE at BATTLE OF HARTSVILLE Escaped Capture BIO

Pvt. Jonathan Brown Cardwell Smith Co.

Pvt. William H. Cardwell Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas Died there, 4 Nov. 1864 (Smallpox)

Pvt. John Carman Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE at BATTLE OF HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Charles Carney Wilson Co.

Pvt. John L. Carney Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. John Carr Sumner Co.

Pvt. John Doak Carr HARTSVILLE Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Seth Colley Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 5 Apr. 1863 Lebanon, KY POW, City Point

Pvt. Leondas Cornwell Smith Co.

Pvt. John Cox Wilson Co Captured 7 Oct. 1863 Henderson Co. TN POW, Alton, IL Died there, 28 Nov. 1863 (Congestive Chills)

Pvt. Joseph Craighead Smith Co.

Pvt. John D. Culiver Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. George W. Cunningham Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 30 Sep. 1862 Goodlettsville, TN Wounded (right leg) 19 Sep. 1863 Chickamauga, GA

Pvt. J. Cunningham Sumner Co. Captured 30 Sep. 1862 Goodlettsville, TN

Pvt. Thomas Cunningham Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE wounded (mouth, jaw, teeth shot out) Shiloh, TN Wounded (right thigh index finger & thumb broken) Franklin, TN

Pvt. William Davis Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. James F. Dickens Smith Co Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas Died there, 29 Nov. 1864 (Smallpox)

Pvt. Lycurgus Duke Sumner Co. Captured 15 Jul. 1863 Smith Co. POW, Ft. Delaware Died there, 8 Aug. 1864 (inflammation lungs)

Pvt. John Duncan Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. W. J. Dyer Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Made Captain, 30 Aug. 1863

Pvt. John Ebbitts

Pvt. Hudson Christopher "H.C." Ellis HARTSVILLE Captured BIO POW, Ft. Delaware

Pvt. J. M. Evetts Smith Co.

Pvt. Robert Gamble Sumner Co.

Pvt. Cullen Gardiner Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. John H. Gardiner Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Thomas G. Garrett Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. William J. Garrett Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. George Gibson Sumner Co.

Pvt. T. R. Gibson Wilson Co.

Pvt. G. M. Gordon Jackson Co.

Pvt. Henry Graves Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. James Edward Graves Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas

Pvt. Bryant H. Green Smith Co. Injured; Horse fell broke left leg and collar bone. Captured BIO POW, Point Lookout

Pvt. Isaac Green Smith Co.

Pvt. Richard A. Gregory Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 29 Jan. 1863 at HARTSVILLE POW, City Point

Pvt. Thomas Haney Captured 26 Jul. 186Salineville, OH POW, Camp Douglas Died there, 25 Nov. 1864 (Smallpox)

Pvt. Alfred Noel Harper Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Wounded (through neck) 9 Jun. 1864 Mt. Sterling, KY

Pvt. William Harper Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. James A. Harris Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 20 Jul. 1863 Cheshire, OH POW, Camp Douglas

Pvt. Thomas Harris Enlisted 1 Sep. at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. R. G. Herring Sumner Co. Sick Jul. 1863 (Typhoid Fever)

Pvt. William 0. Herring Jackson Co.

Pvt. Vitromer Omar Hogg Sumner Co Captured 30 Jan. 1863 Montrose, TN POW, Camp Chase

Pvt. J. N. Howell Sumner Co.

Pvt. James Johnson Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. John A. Jordan Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured in Sumner Co Exchanged at Vicksburg, MS

Pvt. J. M. Kemp Smith Co.

Pvt. David H. Kirby Smith Co. Escaped Capture BIO

Pvt. Gabriel Kirk Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Thomas Kirk Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. W. T. Kirk Sumner Co Captured 20 Jul. 1863 Cheshire, OH POW, Camp Douglas

Pvt. Tilman R. Love Sumner Co.

Pvt. W. C. Lowe Smith Co.

Pvt. William M. Lowery Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Wounded (left elbow)

Pvt. William Malone Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Daniel J. Martin Captured BIO POW, Camp Douglas

Pvt. Samuel D. McMurray Smith Co.

Pvt. John S. McMurry Smith Co.

Pvt. Riley Medlin Smith Co. Escaped Capture BIO

Pvt. Orlander Miller Wounded (Thigh) 9 Jun. 1863 Mt. Sterling, KY

Pvt. Horace Parrish Sumner Co.

Pvt. Newsom Penuel Escaped Capture BIO Captured 11 Nov. 1863 Pulaski, TN POW, Ft. Delaware

Pvt. D. W. Preger Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. George Prewitt Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Leroy Reece Sumner Co.

Pvt. Wade H. Reece Captured 22 Aug. 1862 McMinnville, TN POW, Rock Island

Pvt. Grant Rice Sumner Co Captured 26 Jul. 1863 Salineville, OH POW, Point Lookout

Pvt. Joseph Calvin Rippy Westmoreland

Pvt. Charles Robinson Smith Co.

Pvt. E. H. Robinson Smith Co.

Pvt. James Robinson Smith Co.

Pvt. James E. Scott Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. W. A. Shannon Smith Co.

Pvt. S. Shaw Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. William Shaw Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Nicholas J. Shrum Wounded 6 Oct. 1862 Goodlettsville, TN Captured 17 July 1863 Hardeman Co. TN POW, Ft. Delaware

Pvt. J. A. Simmons Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. James E. Simmons Sumner Co.

Pvt. Robert Smith Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Samuel C. Stafford Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 5 Jul. 1863 Bardstown, KY POW, Camp Douglas (Smallpox) Escaped

Pvt. Thomas Stafford Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Elihu H. Stein Captured BIO POW, Ft. McHenry

Pvt. Joshua Stewart Sumner Co.

Pvt. L. P. Stone Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Stephen Stovall Sumner Co.

Pvt. James Stovall Westmoreland Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. Thomas R. Talley Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE Captured 15 Jan. 1863 at HARTSVILLE POW, Camp Butler

Pvt. Peter H. Taylor Smith Co.

Pvt. Porter Taylor Smith Co. Escaped Capture BIO

Pvt. Robert Toombs Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. J. E. Vance

Pvt. Harbot E. Walker Sumner Co. Captured BIO POW,Point Lookout

Pvt. Fredel Wallace Sumner Co.

Pvt. J. W. Wallace Sumner Co. Wounded 6 Apr. 1862 Shiloh, TN Wounded 22 Jul. 1864 Atlanta, GA (leg shot off)

Pvt. Smith Wallace Sumner Co.

Pvt. Thomas Wallace Sumner Co.

Pvt. J. Warner Enlisted 1 Sep. 1862 at HARTSVILLE

Pvt. J. C. Warner Sumner Co.

Pvt. John Watkins Sumner Co.

Pvt. W. M. White Sumner Co.

Pvt. B. D. Wilkerson Sumner Co. Captured 5 Apr. 1863 Lebanon, TN POW, Ft. McHenry

Pvt. B. D. Wilkerson Wilson Co.

Pvt. Haywood R. Williams Smith Co Captured 28 Dec. 1862 Wounded (neck & arm) Lebanon, KY POW, Point Lookout

Pvt. John A. Wilson Sumner Co Captured BIO POW, Point Lookout

Pvt. J. C. Winckler Smith Co

Pvt. William Winter Wilson Co.

Pvt. G. W. Wynne Sumner Co.

Pvt. Porter Yourie Sumner Co. Captured 9 Sep. 1863 Sugar Creek, TN POW, Camp Morton

Company Rosters

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